history 1.1.11+1 (11 months ago) verified dnfield.dev balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible vector_graphics A vector graphics rendering package for Flutter. 42 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web
flutter/samples star_outline 17634 update Jan 2025 A collection of Flutter examples and demos Packages async audioplayers build build_runner build_web_compilers built_collection built_value built_value_generator cached_network_image checked_yaml collection cupertino_icons device_info english_words ffi ffigen file_selector firebase_core firebase_crashlytics fl_chart fluent_ui fluentui_system_icons flutter_animate flutter_launcher_icons flutter_lints flutter_markdown flutter_shaders flutter_simple_treeview flutter_svg freezed freezed_annotation games_services go_router google_fonts google_maps_flutter google_mobile_ads grinder http image in_app_purchase integration_test intl jni jnigen json_annotation json_serializable lints logging markdown mdc_web mocktail mocktail_image_network msix path path_provider pedometer pigeon plugin_platform_interface provider sass_builder share_plus shared_preferences shrine_images test transparent_image url_launcher uuid vector_graphics vector_graphics_compiler yaml google_generative_ai window_size Topics ui widgets camera assets icons lints analysis device identifier android storage widget animation cli java cloud localization map network http async core build-runner codegen files image ffi state-management test payment built-value testing cache network-image json errors tool logging yaml json-serializable code-generators data-structures collections utils text authentication intl kotlin state realtime interceptor persistence database google-sign-in hive interop file-selection file-selector windows chart charts visualization graph diagram navigation routing desktop effects svg i18n markdown plugin-development sensor route go-router provider deep-linking router paths google-maps google-maps-flutter icon crashlytics local-storage icon-launcher image-picker in-app-purchase locale jni mock uuid id path-provider platform-channels information federation shared-preferences debugging build os-integration responsive statemanagement font links url-launcher urls config-format launcher immutable sensors freezed code-generation codegeneration routes svg-provider flutter-svg-provider flutter-svg firebase maps share text-style vector-graphics firestore identity sign-in sign-up crashes static-analysis protocols file-system