

  • star_outline 33821
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🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!


app_links args async audio_service audio_service_mpris audio_session auto_size_text bonsoir build_runner buttons_tabbar cached_network_image collection crypto curved_navigation_bar custom_lint desktop_webview_window device_info_plus dio disable_battery_optimization draggable_scrollbar drift drift_dev duration encrypt envied envied_generator file_picker file_selector fluentui_system_icons flutter_broadcasts flutter_cache_manager flutter_displaymode flutter_feather_icons flutter_gen_runner flutter_hooks flutter_inappwebview flutter_launcher_icons flutter_lints flutter_native_splash flutter_riverpod flutter_secure_storage flutter_sharing_intent flutter_svg form_validator freezed freezed_annotation fuzzywuzzy gap go_router google_fonts hive hive_flutter hive_generator hooks_riverpod html html_unescape http image_picker integration_test intl io jiosaavn json_annotation json_serializable local_notifier logger lrc media_kit media_kit_libs_audio metadata_god mime open_file package_info_plus palette_generator path path_provider permission_handler piped_client popover process_run pub_api_client pubspec_parse riverpod riverpod_lint scrobblenaut scroll_to_index shared_preferences shelf shelf_router shelf_web_socket sidebarx simple_icons skeletonizer sliver_tools smtc_windows spotify sqlite3 sqlite3_flutter_libs stroke_text system_theme test timezone titlebar_buttons tray_manager url_launcher uuid version very_good_infinite_list visibility_detector web_socket_channel wikipedia_api win32_registry window_manager xml youtube_explode_dart flutter_discord_rpc invidious


music cli audio background audio-session responsive build-runner image cache network-image analysis errors tool flutter logging data-structures collections crypto ui assets icons device preview network http middleware dio interceptor environment-variables dotenv codegen files file file-selection file-selector cache-manager html webview webview-flutter browser inappwebview icon-launcher launcher lints splash storage local-storage secure-storage svg svg-provider flutter-svg-provider flutter-svg code-generators immutable freezed code-generation codegeneration navigation routing route go-router deep-linking router routes text font text-style database hive web camera image-picker localization locale jiosaavn jiosaavn-api json json-serializable video video-player cross-platform audio-player color paths path-provider permissions permission-handler dart-pub persistence shared-preferences server shelf widget drawer sidebar loading skeleton shimmer-loading skeleton-loader os-integration links url-launcher urls identifier uuid id widgets list-view scroll wikipedia wikipedia-api wikipedia-dart wikipedia-flutter ffi win32 windows registry desktop window window-resize window-manager desktop-window streams youtube deeplinks app-links universal-links custom-url-schemes deeplinking notifications tray tray-manager system-tray parser sax xml xpath backend protocols utils information cryptography deeplink web-to-app drift mime magic-numbers mimetype multipart-form state-management state riverpod statemanagement sql async vector-graphics file-system intl i18n testing


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A collection of Flutter examples and demos




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Pokedex app built with Flutter (with lots of animations) using Clean Architecture




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Picnic is a open source social media project meant to become the future of online communities.


alchemist analyzer analyzer_plugin another_flushbar ansi_styles app_settings app_tracking_transparency args async audioplayers bloc bloc_test cached_network_image camera centrifuge chewie ci cli_util collection connectivity_plus contacts_service country_code_picker cupertino_icons custom_lint custom_lint_builder custom_sliding_segmented_control dart_code_metrics dartz desktop_webview_auth device_info_plus dio dismissible_page dotted_border emoji_picker_flutter equatable fake_async file_picker file_selector firebase_analytics firebase_auth firebase_core firebase_crashlytics firebase_dynamic_links firebase_messaging firebase_remote_config flutter_app_badger flutter_bloc flutter_custom_tabs flutter_dotenv flutter_emoji flutter_exif_rotation flutter_keyboard_visibility flutter_launcher_icons flutter_linkify flutter_lints flutter_markdown flutter_phoenix flutter_secure_storage flutter_staggered_grid_view flutter_web_auth_2 gap get_it golden_toolkit google_sign_in graphql hive hive_flutter hotreloader image_picker import_sorter intl jwt_decoder keyboard_actions launch_at_startup linkify lint lints logger lottie mason meta mocktail mocktail_image_network modal_bottom_sheet package_config package_info_plus path path_provider permission_handler photo_manager photo_view pinput plugin_platform_interface pub_semver pubspec_parse recase riverpod rxdart scroll_to_index share_plus shared_preferences sign_in_with_apple source_span stack_trace test timeago uni_links universal_platform url_launcher uuid video_player video_player_macos video_thumbnail visibility_detector webview_flutter widgetbook yaml window_size



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Clean Architecture for Flutter




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LangBuddy is a mobile application that connects people who want to practice their language skills. Users can select their native language and the language they are learning, and the app finds for them the suitable language partners. Whether someone is learning Spanish, Chinese, French, or any other language, LangBuddy helps them find a conversation partner who complements their learning needs, enabling both to practice and improve in a natural, engaging way.

