history 2.0.0+1 (3 years ago) verified akshathjain.com balance unknown Dart 3 compatible sliding_up_panel A draggable Flutter widget that makes implementing a SlidingUpPanel much easier! 3K likes 1 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web
hungps/flutter_pokedex star_outline 2407 update Dec 2024 Pokedex app built with Flutter (with lots of animations) using Clean Architecture Packages auto_route auto_route_generator bloc build_runner cached_network_image dio flutter_bloc flutter_gen_runner flutter_lints flutter_web_frame freezed freezed_annotation get_it hive hive_flutter hive_generator injectable injectable_generator intl json_annotation json_serializable sliding_up_panel stream_transform Topics dependency-injection lints bloc localization network http build-runner codegen image state-management cache network-image json json-serializable boilerplate code-generators middleware intl state dio interceptor database hive navigation routing dependency i18n deep-linking router local-storage locale statemanagement dependency-management immutable dependencies dependency-injector freezed code-generation codegeneration get-it flutter-routes auto-route nested-navigation