history 0.2.0+1 (1 year ago) verified simpleclub.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible design_tokens_builder Package for generating Flutter ThemeData from Figma design tokens using BuildRunner. 17 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS theme Figma Design Tokens Material Generator
history 1.1.1 (6 months ago) verified enough.de balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible enough_platform_widgets Useful platform aware widgets to develop a Flutter app with either Cupertino and Material design. 36 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widgets Material cupertino
history 3.6.0 (2 months ago) verified rydmike.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible flex_color_picker A customizable Flutter primary, accent and custom color picker. Includes an optional HSV wheel color picker. 511 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web color Material colorpicker hct rgb
history 2.1.1 (5 months ago) verified rk0cc.xyz balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible oghref_material Material themed widget for generating rich information link from URL. 2 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web http web Material graph link
history 0.0.4 (10 months ago) verified koriai.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible listtile_to_card This package provide conversion from listtile to card if the size of listtile is over the breakpoint 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web ui adaptive widgets theme Material
history 1.0.1 (2 months ago) verified shyamjith.in balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible material_pagination MaterialPagination is a versatile Flutter widget for pagination, offering customizable page buttons and navigation arrows, perfect for enhancing user navigation. 11 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web Material pagination page
history 1.1.0 (2 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible expand A package designed to help you easily create sleek and fast expandable widgets. 1 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web expandable widgets Material
history 3.1.0 (2 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible master_detail_flow A package designed to help you easily create sleek, responsive master-detail flows. 9 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web layout Material navigation responsive
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