history 3.2.0 (2 months ago) verified kishormainali.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-2-clause fp_util Utilities and Extensions for num,BuildContext,EdgeInsets,File,String. constants for horizontal and vertical spacing. 3 likes 0 posts 0 links widgets extensions utilities spacing tags-input-field
history 0.1.1 (1 year ago) verified raulmabe.dev balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible mabe_utils Utility widgets, extension methods and types used on every app developed by me (https://raulmabe.dev) 1 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widgets utils extensions types
history 7.0.6 (1 month ago) verified bhoominn.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible nb_utils Collection of Widgets and helpful Methods that every developer needs. 428 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widgets utils extensions chatgpt sharedpreference
history 5.7.0 (1 month ago) verified birju.dev balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible screwdriver A dart package aiming to provide useful extensions and helper functions to ease and speed up development. 89 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web utils utility extensions helpers
history 1.0.5 (6 months ago) verified ankitgada.in balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible ag_widgets Enhance your apps with our versatile smart widgets. Designed for daily development projects, they streamline workflows and boost functionality. 5 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widgets animation utils extensions customization
history 1.0.5 (4 months ago) verified kishormainali.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible _clean_flutter_internal A package that contains core classes and functions for clean architecture. it is only for internal use. 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web clean-architecture extensions error-handling exceptions response
history 2.1.0 (6 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_fit_utils A flutter package to easily manage data in and out of repositories. This package is the core of it's environement. 3 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web extensions models repositories services
history 0.0.2 (6 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_helper_kit flutter_helper_kit helps to improve less code extensions and widgets. 3 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widgets utils extensions
history 1.0.0 (3 months ago) verified kishormainali.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved clean_flutter_core A package that contains core classes and functions for clean architecture. it is only for internal use. 0 likes 0 posts 0 links clean-architecture extensions error-handling exceptions response
history 1.0.1 (3 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible extensions_lover Contains some of the methods and getters in extensions that mostly used by Flutter Developer 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS extensions
history 1.0.1 (3 months ago) verified flutterperfect.dev balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible arcane_helper_utils Provides a variety of helpful utilities and extensions for Flutter and Dart. 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web extensions arcane-framework helper-utils
history 6.10.0 (5 days ago) balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible flutter_helper_utils The Flutter Helper Utils Package offers various extensions and helper methods that can make development more efficient. 38 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web adaptive extensions utilities helpers context-extensions value-notifier adaptive-ui helper-widgets productivity
history 0.0.3 (2 months ago) verified codingmitra.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible booster A collection of useful widgets, extensions and utilities to boost Flutter app development. 1 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widgets flutter extensions utilities
history 1.0.1 (1 month ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible itq_utils Collection of Widgets and helpful Methods that every developer needs. 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widgets utils extensions chatgpt sharedpreference
history 1.0.1+1 (1 month ago) verified mrgnhnt.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible select_when A Flutter Provider extension: `selectWhen` to control when a selector should be invoked 1 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web extensions provider inherited-widget