history 1.1.5 (7 months ago) verified flutter.dev balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible css_colors Defines constant dart:ui Color objects for CSS colors (for use in Flutter code). 25 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web ui color css
history 1.0.2 (1 month ago) verified tools.dart.dev balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible csslib A library for parsing and analyzing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). 49 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web css
history 3.0.0-beta.2 (1 year ago) verified sub6resources.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_html_all All optional flutter_html widgets, bundled into a single package. 8 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS macOS widgets html css layout flutter_html
history 3.0.0-beta.2 (1 year ago) verified sub6resources.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_html_audio This extension package allows the <audio> tag to be rendered using the flutter_html package 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS macOS Web audio html css layout flutter_html
history 3.0.0-beta.2 (1 year ago) verified sub6resources.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_html_iframe This extension package allows the <iframe> tag to be rendered using the flutter_html package 11 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS macOS html css layout flutter_html iframe
history 3.0.0-beta.2 (1 year ago) verified sub6resources.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_html_svg This extension package allows the <svg> tag and svg-based img sources to be rendered using the flutter_html package 1 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web images html css flutter_html svg
history 3.0.0-beta.2 (1 year ago) verified sub6resources.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_html_table This extension package allows the <table> tag to be rendered using the flutter_html package 11 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web html css layout table flutter_html
history 3.0.0-beta.2 (1 year ago) verified sub6resources.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_html_video This extension package allows the <video> tag to be rendered using the flutter_html package 2 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS macOS widgets video html css flutter_html
history 0.15.3 (1 month ago) verified daohoangson.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_widget_from_html Flutter package to render html as widgets that supports hyperlink, image, audio, video, iframe and many other tags. 982 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Web widget html css fwfh
history 0.15.2 (3 months ago) verified daohoangson.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_widget_from_html_core Flutter package to render html as widgets that focuses on correctness and extensibility. 461 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widget html css fwfh
history 0.10.7 (1 year ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_widget_from_html_core_nic Flutter package to render html as widgets that focuses on correctness and extensibility. 2 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widget html css fwfh
history 0.3.0 (4 months ago) verified schultek.dev balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible jaspr_tailwind Tailwind integration for jaspr. 6 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS html css web jaspr
history 0.1.1 (11 months ago) verified therishabhsingh.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible jaspr_declarative_tailwind A declarative tailwind generator for dart. 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web html css web jaspr
history 1.0.2 (6 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_resp Easy to use responsive framework for flutter 7 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web css web responsive tailwind
history 3.0.0 (6 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_html_reborn A Flutter widget for rendering static HTML and CSS as Flutter widgets. 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widgets html css layout
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