history 0.3.2 (11 months ago) verified farhanfadila.site balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible card_loading A Flutter package to create easy create loading card between two colors 230 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web animation loading card shimmer
history 1.6.2 (10 months ago) balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-2-clause Dart 3 compatible vertical_card_pager Use dynamic and beautiful card view pagers to help you create great apps. 248 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Web ui widget pager card
history 1.3.1 (6 months ago) verified utpals.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible u_credit_card uCreditCard - Easy to use beautiful Card UI Flutter Package. 34 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web ui card creditcard credit ucreditcard
history 0.0.1 (4 months ago) verified halodot.io balance unknown Dart 3 compatible halo_sdk_flutter_plugin A flutter plugin of the Halo Dot SDK that allows integrators to embed contactless payments into their own Flutter mobile apps. The SDK provides a fully isolated SDK that meets requirements of PCI MPoC. 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android payment card contactless
history 1.0.0 (3 months ago) verified widgetarian.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible wx_card Provides widgets that are used to create visually appealing cards and their individual tiles. 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web ui card widgetarian event-driven
history 1.0.5 (2 months ago) verified rithik-dev.me balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible easy_container An easy to use container for flutter with built in gesture detectors and a lot of customization. 23 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web widget flutter card gesture container
history 1.0.0 (2 weeks ago) verified hashstudios.dev balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flip_card_swiper A customizable, swipeable card widget with smooth flip animations and haptic support. 1 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web animation card transform swipe flip