history 1.0.4 (6 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible akeneo_api_client A Dart library for Akeneo PIM API integration, simplifying product management tasks and interactions with Akeneo systems. 2 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS akeneo api client
history 3.0.1 (6 months ago) verified inidia.app balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible api_bloc Flutter widgets that simplify the BLoC pattern implementation for REST APIs within an MVC architecture, significantly reducing boilerplate code. 9 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web api bloc rest-api mvc
history 1.1.8 (7 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible api_guide API Guide is package to generate API calls documentations like OpenAPI schema. 17 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web api documentation integration-api-guide
history 0.1.0 (1 year ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible api_tooling Utilities for developing safe & complete API wrappers 0 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web api
history 0.13.3 (2 weeks ago) verified atprotodart.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible atproto The most famous and powerful Dart/Flutter library for AT Protocol. 13 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS api atproto bluesky
history 0.11.2 (2 weeks ago) verified atprotodart.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible atproto_core Core library for clients and tools. This package is mainly used by https://atprotodart.com packages. 2 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS api atproto bluesky core
history 0.18.7 (3 days ago) verified atprotodart.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible bluesky The most famous and powerful Dart/Flutter library for Bluesky Social. 25 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS api atproto bluesky
history 0.4.7 (1 month ago) verified atprotodart.com balance fsf-libre osi-approved bsd-3-clause Dart 3 compatible bluesky_cli A powerful CLI tool that allows Bluesky Social's APIs to be executed from the command line powered by Dart language. 4 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS api cli atproto bluesky
history 8.0.3 (2 months ago) verified hadrienlejard.io balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Flutter Favorite Dart 3 compatible chopper Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen, inspired by Retrofit 832 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web api client http rest
history 8.0.3 (2 months ago) verified hadrienlejard.io balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible chopper_generator Chopper is an http client generator using source_gen, inspired by Retrofit 42 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Windows Linux macOS api http rest codegen
history 1.1.2 (1 year ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible dart_api_query Elegant and simple way to build requests for REST API. If you use Laravel, matches with spatie/laravel-query-builder. 3 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web api rest laravel query builder
history 1.0.1 (1 year ago) verified code42maestro.blogspot.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible dart_untis_mobile A pure dart library implementing the Untis Mobile API (https://www.untis.at/produkte/webuntis/untis-mobile-app). 2 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web api untis webuntis web
history 1.0.1 (5 months ago) verified tienisto.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible enven Generate environment variables from a .env file at compile time with optional obfuscation. 11 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web api encryption env token obfuscation
history 1.0.2 (1 year ago) verified westy92.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible holiday_event_api The Official Holiday and Event API built for Dart and Flutter. 2 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web api client http apis event
history 0.0.1 (1 year ago) verified arfaz.tech balance fsf-libre osi-approved apache-2.0 Dart 3 compatible http_handler HttpHandler provides utility functions and customization options to streamline API request handling in your Flutter applications. 10 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS api http api-call http-handler
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