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A boilerplate project for Flutter using RiverPod, Dio, go_router, Freezed and generated with very_good_cli
Explore diverse open-source Flutter projects for inspiration & collaboration. Elevate your development journey with our curated selection!
A boilerplate project for Flutter using RiverPod, Dio, go_router, Freezed and generated with very_good_cli
🚀 The correct Flutter starter that helps develop high-quality applications productive and fast
Clean Architecture for Flutter
Repository for "Riverpod 2.x Course for Flutter Developers - Go from Beginner to Advanced in 17 Hours"
Flutter UI challenge (with Box2D physic)- Smart washing machine app
Flutter State Management: Movie App with Provider, Riverpod, flutter_bloc
The goal of this project is to provide an ultimate collection of real world app's UIs. While I built Flutter UIKit for my own needs, it is also intented to showcase good app structure and a clean, well-organized Flutter codebase.
a multiplatform Dart project with code sharing between Flutter and web
A collection of generative art made using Flutter and Dart.