history 1.0.0 (11 months ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible translator A free and unlimited Google Translate API for Dart. You can use it for translate strings and text for educational purpose. 645 likes 1 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web
TheAlphamerc/flutter_twitter_clone star_outline 3983 update Jul 2024 A working Twitter clone built in Flutter using Firebase auth,realtime,firestore database and storage. Packages cached_network_image cloud_firestore cupertino_icons dartz equatable firebase_analytics firebase_auth firebase_database firebase_dynamic_links firebase_messaging firebase_remote_config firebase_storage flutter_launcher_icons freezed_annotation get_it google_fonts google_sign_in image_picker intl package_info_plus provider qr_code_scanner qr_flutter rxdart share_plus shared_preferences test translator url_launcher Topics ui dependency-injection camera assets icons identifier storage cloud localization management files image state-management testing cache network-image streams utils text authentication intl rx state realtime persistence database config google-sign-in file-selection dependency i18n provider local-storage icon-launcher image-picker locale notifications analytics information shared-preferences os-integration rxdart reactive-programming statemanagement font download links url-launcher urls dependency-management launcher dependencies dependency-injector messaging get-it firebase share text-style upload firestore measure insights identity sign-in sign-up remote observables equality equals
purplenoodlesoop/purple-starter star_outline 79 update Mar 2023 🚀 The correct Flutter starter that helps develop high-quality applications productive and fast Packages arbor async auto_route auto_route_generator build_runner collection coverage dart_code_metrics dio drift drift_dev fast_immutable_collections flutter_arbor flutter_bloc flutter_gen_runner flutter_launcher_icons flutter_native_splash freezed freezed_annotation grinder intl json_annotation json_serializable lints mark meta path path_provider platform_info provider pure purple_lints purple_metrics_lints retrofit retrofit_generator select select_annotation sentry_flutter shared_preferences sqlite3_flutter_libs stack_trace stream_bloc stream_transform test translator typed_preferences Topics api lints analysis device storage bloc localization network http rest async build-runner codegen files state-management testing json json-serializable boilerplate code-generators data-structures collections middleware intl state dio interceptor persistence functional drift database navigation routing i18n provider deep-linking router paths local-storage icon-launcher locale cross-platform path-provider information platform info shared-preferences statemanagement launcher immutable freezed code-generation codegeneration splash static-analysis flutter-routes auto-route nested-navigation retrofit file-system