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ReVanced/revanced-manager star_outline 18525 update Dec 2024 💊 Application to use ReVanced on Android Packages analyzer animations build_runner collection connectivity_plus device_apps device_info_plus dio dio_cache_interceptor dynamic_color dynamic_themes expandable file_picker flutter_background flutter_cache_manager flutter_file_dialog flutter_lints flutter_local_notifications flutter_markdown fluttertoast font_awesome_flutter google_fonts injectable injectable_generator intl json_annotation json_serializable language_code logcat package_info_plus path_provider permission_handler root screenshot_callback share_plus shared_preferences skeletons slang slang_flutter stacked stacked_generator stacked_services synchronized timeago timezone url_launcher wakelock_plus Topics ui widgets icons lints device identifier storage animation localization network http internationalization build-runner codegen files cache json json-serializable data-structures collections utils middleware text intl dio interceptor persistence file file-selection file-selector cache-manager i18n markdown paths icon local-storage locale notifications path-provider permissions information translation shared-preferences os-integration connectivity font links url-launcher urls toast flutter-toast custom-flutter-toast permission-handler share notification text-style