history 1.4.0 (4 months ago) verified codeness.ly balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible pretty_dio_logger Pretty Dio logger is a Dio interceptor that logs network calls in a pretty, easy to read format. 681 likes 0 posts 1 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS Web logger dio
mohammadjoumani/error_handler_news_app star_outline 44 update Oct 2024 Error handler in flutter Packages cupertino_icons dartz dio flutter_bloc flutter_lints flutter_svg get_it internet_connection_checker lottie pretty_dio_logger shared_preferences Topics ui dependency-injection assets icons lints storage animated lottie animation bloc logger network http state-management error errors middleware state dio interceptor persistence dio-handler svg dependency local-storage shared-preferences statemanagement dependency-management dependencies dependency-injector get-it svg-provider flutter-svg-provider flutter-svg vector-graphics
SimpleBoilerplates/Flutter star_outline 591 update Apr 2023 A boilerplate project for Flutter using RiverPod, Dio, go_router, Freezed and generated with very_good_cli Packages build_runner build_verify connectivity_plus cupertino_icons dio easy_localization flutter_dotenv flutter_gen_runner flutter_riverpod flutter_secure_storage freezed go_router go_router_builder google_fonts import_sorter json_serializable lottie pretty_dio_logger riverpod_annotation riverpod_generator shared_preferences very_good_analysis Topics ui assets icons lints analysis storage animated lottie animation logger network http build-runner codegen json json-serializable boilerplate code-generators utils middleware text dio interceptor persistence navigation routing route go-router deep-linking router local-storage secure-storage analyzer shared-preferences connectivity font immutable freezed code-generation codegeneration routes text-style