history 1.1.2 (3 years ago) balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible flutter_easy_permission Permission plugin for Flutter.This is a wrapper for the easypermissions library. 26 likes 0 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS
hiddify/hiddify-next star_outline 19200 update Jan 2025 Multi-platform auto-proxy client, supporting Sing-box, X-ray, TUIC, Hysteria, Reality, Trojan, SSH etc. It’s an open-source, secure and ad-free. Packages accessibility_tools build_runner circle_flags combine cupertino_http cupertino_icons dart_mappable dart_mappable_builder dartx dependency_validator dio dio_smart_retry drift drift_dev dynamic_color ffi ffigen fluentui_system_icons flutter_adaptive_scaffold flutter_animate flutter_displaymode flutter_easy_permission flutter_gen_runner flutter_hooks flutter_loggy flutter_loggy_dio flutter_native_splash flutter_svg fpdart freezed freezed_annotation gap go_router go_router_builder grpc hooks_riverpod http humanizer in_app_review intl json_annotation json_path json_serializable launch_at_startup lint loggy meta mobile_scanner neat_periodic_task package_info_plus path path_provider percent_indicator posix protobuf protocol_handler qr_flutter riverpod_annotation riverpod_generator rxdart sentry_dart_plugin sentry_flutter share_plus shared_preferences slang slang_build_runner slang_flutter sliver_tools sqlite3_flutter_libs timezone_to_country tint toastification tray_manager upgrader url_launcher uuid vclibs version watcher win32 window_manager wolt_modal_sheet Topics ui dialog adaptive widgets assets icons identifier storage widget animation localization network http server internationalization build-runner codegen files ffi json json-serializable streams code-generators utils middleware layout intl data-class rx dio interceptor persistence drift database interop win32 windows navigation routing desktop effects svg i18n route go-router deep-linking router paths local-storage modal bottom-sheet locale lint uuid id periodic-tasks path-provider information translation shared-preferences os-integration responsive rxdart reactive-programming grpc links url-launcher urls window window-resize window-manager desktop-window toast immutable freezed code-generation codegeneration routes rpc svg-provider flutter-svg-provider flutter-svg tray tray-manager system-tray share notification message toastification splash vector-graphics accessibility a11y observables static-analysis protocols side-sheet custom-modal file-system