history 3.1.1 (1 year ago) verified flutter.cn balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Dart 3 compatible dio_cookie_manager A cookie manager combines cookie_jar and dio, based on the interceptor algorithm. 145 likes 0 posts 0 links Dart Flutter Android iOS Windows Linux macOS storage network dio cookie persistence
ntminhdn/Flutter-Bloc-CleanArchitecture star_outline 473 update May 2024 Flutter project using clean architecture and bloc pattern. Packages android_id artemis async auto_route auto_route_generator bloc_test build_runner cached_network_image cupertino_icons custom_lint custom_lint_builder dartx data decimal device_info_plus dio dio_cookie_manager encrypted_shared_preferences flutter_bloc flutter_cache_manager flutter_gen_runner flutter_launcher_icons flutter_lints flutter_local_notifications flutter_native_splash flutter_screenutil flutter_svg flutter_udid freezed freezed_annotation get_it gql gql_dio_link gql_exec gql_link graphql_flutter infinite_scroll_pagination initializer injectable injectable_generator intl intl_utils json_annotation json_serializable logging melos meta mime mocktail objectbox objectbox_flutter_libs objectbox_generator package_info_plus path_provider rxdart source_gen timezone tuple url_launcher xml Topics ui dependency-injection assets icons lints androidid device identifier android native storage cli bloc localization math network http async build-runner codegen files image state-management test cache network-image json tool logging json-serializable streams clean-architecture template boilerplate architecture graphql code-generators utils middleware intl rx state dio interceptor cookie persistence parser gql navigation routing cache-manager svg dependency i18n deep-linking router paths gql-link icon-launcher locale notifications mock repository-management path-provider information debugging os-integration rxdart reactive-programming statemanagement screen links url-launcher urls dependency-management sax xml xpath launcher immutable monorepo dependencies dependency-injector freezed adaptive-screen-utils code-generation codegeneration get-it svg-provider flutter-svg-provider flutter-svg notification splash mime vector-graphics stats lerna observables static-analysis flutter-routes auto-route nested-navigation magic-numbers mimetype multipart-form numeric tensor
boyan01/flutter-netease-music star_outline 3491 update Jan 2024 Flutter music player application. Packages async build_runner collection cookie_jar cupertino_icons desktop_drop dio dio_cookie_manager dotted_border drift drift_dev encrypt equatable filesize fluentui_system_icons flutter_hooks flutter_lints flutter_riverpod handy_window hive_generator hooks_riverpod intl json_annotation json_serializable loader lpinyin lychee_player meta mixin_logger music_player overlay_support path path_provider qr_flutter riverpod scoped_model scrollable_positioned_list sqlite3_flutter_libs stream_transform synchronized system_clock ui_device url_launcher window_manager windows_taskbar Topics ui theme-switcher assets icons lints storage localization network http async build-runner codegen files state-management json json-serializable data-structures collections middleware intl state dio interceptor cookie persistence drift database desktop i18n riverpod paths locale music audio-player path-provider os-integration statemanagement links url-launcher urls window window-resize window-manager desktop-window static-analysis equality file-system equals