WebSocket Channel: A Comprehensive Guide

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WebSocket Channel: A Comprehensive Guide

WebSocket Channel provides cross-platform StreamChannel wrappers for WebSocket connections, enabling seamless communication between web applications and servers.

How to Use WebSocket Channel

To establish a WebSocket connection, use the WebSocketChannel class:

import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';

final wsUrl = Uri.parse('ws://example.com');
final channel = WebSocketChannel.connect(wsUrl);

Once connected, you can listen for incoming messages and send messages to the server:

channel.stream.listen((message) {
  print('Received: $message');

channel.sink.add('Hello, server!');

Cross-Platform Implementation

WebSocket Channel includes platform-specific implementations that can be used for both WebSocket communication and server-side support:

  • IOWebSocketChannel for Dart:io (server-side)
  • HtmlWebSocketChannel for Dart:html (web client)

Key Features

In addition to the standard StreamChannel interface, WebSocket Channel offers several key features:

  • Negotiated Protocol: The protocol getter provides information about the protocol negotiated for the socket.
  • Close Information: The closeCode and closeReason getters indicate why the socket was closed.
  • Customizable Closure: The WebSocketSink allows you to specify close codes and reasons when closing the connection.
  • Handshake Support: The WebSocketChannel.signKey() method simplifies handshake implementation.

Protocol Status Codes

WebSocket Channel also provides constants for predefined WebSocket protocol status codes in the status library:

import 'package:web_socket_channel/status.dart' as status;

// Close the connection with a going away status


WebSocket Channel provides a comprehensive and cross-platform solution for WebSocket communication, offering both a flexible API and platform-specific implementations. Its rich feature set and support for protocol status codes make it an invaluable tool for building real-time applications.

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