Unlock the Power of Data Visualization with Syncfusion Flutter Charts

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Unlock the Power of Data Visualization with Syncfusion Flutter Charts

Unlock the power of data visualization with Syncfusion Flutter Charts, a comprehensive Flutter package that empowers you to create stunning, interactive, and highly customizable charts for your mobile applications.

Key Features:

  • 30+ chart types: From line and bar charts to advanced types like box-and-whisker and funnel charts, Flutter Charts offers a wide range of options to meet your visualization needs.
  • Advanced axis types: Plot data on various axis types, including numeric, category, date-time, and log axes, enabling you to present data in the most effective manner.
  • Seamless user interaction: Enhance the user experience with features like zooming, panning, trackball, crosshair, and tooltips, allowing users to explore data intuitively.
  • Legends and annotations: Add legends to provide additional information about data points and use annotations to highlight specific areas or trends in the chart.
  • Live data updates: Stay up-to-date with dynamic data by using the live update feature, which allows charts to refresh seamlessly as data changes.

Getting Started:

To integrate Flutter Charts into your project:

  1. Import the package:
import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_charts/charts.dart';
  1. Add a chart to your widget tree: For example, to add a simple line chart:
  primaryXAxis: CategoryAxis(),
  series: [
      dataSource: [
        SalesData('Jan', 35),
        SalesData('Feb', 28),
        SalesData('Mar', 34),
        SalesData('Apr', 32),
        SalesData('May', 40),
      xValueMapper: (SalesData sales, _) => sales.year,
      yValueMapper: (SalesData sales, _) => sales.sales,

Customization and Styling:

Flutter Charts offers extensive customization and styling options, allowing you to create charts that align perfectly with your app's design and branding. You can customize axis labels, chart background, legend colors, and more.

Spark Charts for Quick Insights:

For concise data visualization, Syncfusion Flutter Spark Charts provide lightweight, easy-to-read charts that fit into small spaces.

Key Features:

  • 4 spark chart types: Choose from line, area, bar, and win-loss spark charts to convey key data trends and patterns.
  • Customizable axis: Define the axis range, labels, and intervals to fit your data visualization requirements.
  • Interactive elements: Utilize trackballs and crosshairs for easy navigation and data exploration.
  • Marker and data label support: Add visual context to data points with customizable markers and data labels.

Getting Started:

  1. Import the package:
import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_charts/sparkcharts.dart';
  1. Add a spark chart to your widget tree: For example, to add a simple line spark chart:
  data: [
    1, 5, -6, 0, 1, -2, 7, -7, -4, -10, 13, -6, 7, 5, 11, 5, 3

Community Support:

Join our active community for support, resources, and discussions on Flutter Charts and Flutter Spark Charts:

About Syncfusion:

Syncfusion is a leading provider of UI components and frameworks for various platforms, including Flutter, .NET, JavaScript, Angular, React, and more. Our mission is to empower developers with innovative, high-quality, and reliable software solutions.

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