Unleash Captivating Visuals with Flutter Custom Carousel

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Unleash Captivating Visuals with Flutter Custom Carousel

Transform Your Scrolling Experience

Flutter Custom Carousel empowers you to build fully customizable, animated scrollable lists with ease, offering unparalleled flexibility in presenting your content. It handles the complexities of scroll interactions and physics, freeing you to focus on creating stunning visual effects.

Core Concepts

To get started, simply provide a list of child widgets and define an effectsBuilder function. This function takes each child and its relative scroll position, known as scrollRatio, as input. It then returns the child wrapped in widgets that apply your desired effects.

// Basic vertical scroller that shifts children from -250px to +250px
  children: [card1, card2, etc],
  effectsBuilder: (index, scrollRatio, child) => Transform.translate(
    offset: Offset(0, scrollRatio * 250),
    child: child,

Enhancing Your Scroll

Customize the visual presentation by specifying the number of children to display before and after the selected item, whether to loop the list, a default alignment, and how to depth sort children. Tweak interactions by changing the scroll direction, physics, and speed. Enable tap to select or define handlers for item change and settling events.

ScrollRatio: Understanding Child Positions

scrollRatio ranges from -1 to +1, where 0 represents the settled position of the selected item. Negative values indicate items before the selection, while positive values indicate items after.

This animation visualizes scrollRatio for each item during scrolling:

[Gif of scrollRatio animation]

Highlighted items:

  • White background: Selected item
  • Thick outline: Settled item

Harnessing ScrollControllers and ScrollPhysics

CustomCarousel requires its dedicated scroll controller, CustomCarouselScrollController, to enable item-oriented navigation and looping. This controller offers features like jumpToItem, animateToItem, nextItem, and previousItem, along with smart defaults for animation duration and curves.

CustomCarouselScrollPhysics is the default physics, providing "settling" behavior (i.e., snapping). Adjust its sticky and stiffness properties to fine-tune the physics. Alternatively, use other scroll physics like BouncingScrollPhysics if desired.

Integrating with Flutter Animate

Enhance your effectsBuilder with the power of Flutter Animate, a comprehensive animation library. Utilize its vast collection of effects, such as fading, motion, blurs, shadows, shimmers, color transformations, 2.5d flips, and more.

// Using Flutter Animate for vertical scrolling
  children: [card1, card2, etc],
  effectsBuilder: CustomCarousel.effectsBuilderFromAnimate(
    effects: EffectList().moveY(begin: -250, end: 250),

Unleash Your Creativity: API Reference

For detailed documentation, refer to the official API reference: https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_custom_carousel/latest/

Installation: Embark on Your Custom Carousel Journey

Get started with Flutter Custom Carousel by installing it from pub.dev:

  • flutter pub add flutter_custom_carousel
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