TeleDart: Your Gateway to Building Telegram Bots Effortlessly

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TeleDart: Your Gateway to Building Telegram Bots Effortlessly

TeleDart is a well-crafted implementation of the Telegram Bot API that simplifies the creation of customized and intuitive bots. With TeleDart, you can unleash your creativity and craft bots tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Creating a Telegram Bot

The journey to creating your own Telegram bot begins with a conversation with "@BotFather." This AI-powered assistant will generate a unique bot token that serves as the key to unlocking your bot's potential.

Unleashing the Power of TeleDart

Initializing Your Bot:

import teledart

username = teledart.Telegram(BOT_TOKEN).getMe()

teledart = teledart.TeleDart(BOT_TOKEN, teledart.Event(username))

Responding to Messages:

teledart.onMessage(keyword="Fight for freedom").listen(lambda message: message.reply("Stand with Hong Kong"))

Handling Bot Commands:

# Long way
teledart.onMessage(entityType="bot_command", keyword="start").listen(lambda message: teledart.sendMessage(, "Hello TeleDart!"))

# Short way (recommended)
teledart.onCommand("glory").listen(lambda message: message.reply("to Ukraine!"))

Modifying Streams:

teledart.onMessage(keyword="dart").where(lambda message: "telegram" in message.text).listen(lambda message: message.replyPhoto("", caption="This is how the Dart Bird and Telegram are met"))

Inline Mode:

teledart.onInlineQuery().listen(lambda inlineQuery: inlineQuery.answer([
    teledart.InlineQueryResultArticle(id="ping", title="ping", inputMessageContent=teledart.InputTextMessageContent(messageText="*pong*", parseMode="MarkdownV2")),
    teledart.InlineQueryResultArticle(id="ding", title="ding", inputMessageContent=teledart.InputTextMessageContent(messageText="*_dong_*", parseMode="MarkdownV2")),

Reporting Issues and Requesting Features

Encountered a bug or have a brilliant idea for a new feature? Head over to the TeleDart issue tracker to share your thoughts and contribute to the development of this exceptional tool.

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