Supabase Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide for Flutter Developers
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Supabase is a powerful open-source Firebase alternative that offers a range of tools for building modern web and mobile applications. Its Flutter client library, supabase_flutter, provides an easy-to-use interface to integrate Supabase's features into your Flutter apps.
supabase_flutter supports multiple authentication methods, including:
1. Email and Password:
await supabase.auth.signUp( email: "[email protected]", password: "my_password", ); await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword( email: "[email protected]", password: "my_password", );
2. Magic Link:
await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp( email: '[email protected]', );
3. Native Apple Sign In:
final credential = await SignInWithApple.getAppleIDCredential( scopes: [, AppleIDAuthorizationScopes.fullName, ], nonce: hashedNonce, ); final idToken = credential.identityToken; if (idToken == null) { throw const AuthException('Could not find ID Token from generated credential.'); } return signInWithIdToken( provider:, idToken: idToken, nonce: rawNonce, );
4. Native Google Sign In:
final googleUser = await googleSignIn.signIn(); final googleAuth = await googleUser!.authentication; final accessToken = googleAuth.accessToken; final idToken = googleAuth.idToken; if (accessToken == null) { throw 'No Access Token found.'; } if (idToken == null) { throw 'No ID Token found.'; } return supabase.auth.signInWithIdToken( provider:, idToken: idToken, accessToken: accessToken, );
supabase_flutter provides methods for performing basic CRUD operations using the Supabase REST API:
// Select data with filters final data = await supabase .from('cities') .select() .eq('country_id', 1) // equals filter .neq('name', 'The shire'); // does not equal filter // Insert a new row await supabase .from('cities') .insert({'name': 'The Shire', 'country_id': 554});
1. Accessing Realtime Data as a Stream:
final stream = supabase.from('countries').stream(primaryKey: ['id']); StreamBuilder( stream: stream, builder: (context, snapshot) { // return your widget with the data from snapshot }, );
2. Postgres Changes:
Listen to changes in your Supabase tables:
final myChannel ='my_channel'); myChannel .onPostgresChanges( event: PostgresChangeEvent.all, schema: 'public', table: 'countries', callback: (payload) { // Do something fun or interesting when there is an change on the database }, ) .subscribe();
3. Broadcast:
Bypassing the database, send and receive low latency messages between connected clients:
final myChannel ='my_channel'); // Subscribe to `cursor-pos` broadcast event myChannel .onBroadcast( event: 'cursor-pos', callback: (payload) {} // Do something fun or interesting when there is an change on the database ) .subscribe(); // Send a broadcast message to other connected clients await myChannel.sendBroadcastMessage( event: 'cursor-pos', payload: {'x': 30, 'y': 50}, );
4. Presence:
Easily implement "I'm online" features:
final myChannel ='my_channel'); // Subscribe to presence events myChannel .onPresence( event: PresenceEvent.sync, callback: (payload) { final onlineUsers = myChannel.presenceState(); // handle sync event }, ) .onPresence( event: PresenceEvent.join, callback: (payload) { // New users have joined }, ) .onPresence( event: PresenceEvent.leave, callback: (payload) { // Users have left }, ) .subscribe(((status, [_]) async { if (status == RealtimeSubscribeStatus.subscribed) { // Send the current user's state upon subscribing final status = await myChannel .track({'online_at':}); } }));
supabase_flutter simplifies file upload and download:
final file = File('example.txt'); file.writeAsStringSync('File content'); await .from('my_bucket') .upload('my/path/to/files/example.txt', file);
Edge Functions
Invoke Supabase Edge Functions from your Flutter app:
final data = await supabase.functions.invoke('get_countries');
Deep Links
Set up deep links to handle authentication flows and more:
1. Dashboard Deep Link Config:
- Enter your app redirect callback on the "Additional Redirect URLs" field in your Supabase Auth settings.
- Use a format like [YOUR_SCHEME]://[YOUR_HOSTNAME] (e.g., io.supabase.flutterdemo://login-callback).
2. Flutter Deep Link Config:
- Follow platform-specific instructions from the app_links package.
Custom LocalStorage
supabase_flutter supports custom implementations for session persistence. For example, using flutter_secure_storage:
class MySecureStorage extends LocalStorage { final storage = FlutterSecureStorage(); @override Future persistSession(String persistSessionString) async { return storage.write(key: supabasePersistSessionKey, value: persistSessionString); } } // Use it when initializing Supabase Supabase.initialize( // ... authOptions: FlutterAuthClientOptions( localStorage: MySecureStorage(), ), );