Sizer: Responsive UI for Flutter Made Easy

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Sizer: Responsive UI for Flutter Made Easy

Sizer is a Flutter plugin that simplifies the creation of responsive UIs. It automatically adapts your UI to different screen sizes, making responsiveness a breeze.


To install Sizer, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  sizer: ^2.0.15


Once you've installed Sizer, wrap your MaterialApp widget with the ResponsiveSizer widget:

  builder: (context, orientation, deviceType) {
    return MaterialApp();

Then, you can start using Sizer's h, w, and sp extensions to specify heights, widths, and font sizes. For example:

  width: 20.w, // 20% of screen width
  height: 30.h, // 30% of screen height

Text( 'Sizer', style: TextStyle(fontSize: 15.sp), // 15 scaled pixels );

Sizer also provides methods for determining the orientation of the screen (SizerUtil.orientation) and the type of device (SizerUtil.deviceType).

Square Widgets

To create a square widget, simply give the same height and width values:

  width: 30.h,
  height: 30.h,

Handling Different Orientations

If you want to support both portrait and landscape orientations, you can use the SizerUtil.orientation method:

Device.orientation == Orientation.portrait ?
  // Widget for Portrait
    width: 100.w,
    height: 20.5.h,
  ) :
  // Widget for Landscape
    width: 100.w,
    height: 12.5.h,

Handling Different Device Types

If you want to support both mobile and tablet devices, you can use the SizerUtil.deviceType method:

SizerUtil.deviceType == ?
  // Widget for Mobile
    width: 100.w,
    height: 20.5.h,
  ) :
  // Widget for Tablet
    width: 100.w,
    height: 12.5.h,


Remember to always import the sizer package when using its extension methods:

import 'package:sizer/sizer.dart';

Auto Import

Auto import in VSCode and Android Studio does not work for Dart extension methods. To fix this, type Device to bring up the auto import suggestion.

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