Mocktail: A Comprehensive Guide for Mocking in Dart

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Mocktail: A Comprehensive Guide for Mocking in Dart

Mocktail is a powerful mocking library for Dart, designed to make testing a breeze. Its intuitive API and extensive features provide a seamless and efficient way to create and interact with mocks.

Creating Mocks

To create a mock, simply extend the Mock class and implement the interface you want to mock. For instance, consider a Cat class:

class Cat {
  String sound() => 'meow!';
  bool likes(String food, {bool isHungry = false}) => false;
  final int lives = 9;

To create a mock for Cat, we can use:

class MockCat extends Mock implements Cat {}

Stubbing and Verifying Behavior

Mocking involves stubbing and verifying method behavior. To stub a method, use when() to specify the behavior. For example, to stub sound() to return "meow":

when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('meow');

To verify a method has been called, use verify(). To verify sound() was called once:

verify(() => cat.sound()).called(1);

Additional Usage

Mocktail offers a wide range of additional features:

  • Stubbing before interaction: Stubbing can be done before interacting with the mock.
  • Multiple interactions: You can interact with the mock multiple times.
  • Dynamic stubs: Stubs can be calculated dynamically.
  • Argument matchers: Use any() to match any argument, or create custom matchers with any(that: matcher).
  • Capture arguments: Use captureAny() to capture any argument, or captureAny(that: matcher) to capture specific arguments.
  • Resetting mocks: Use reset(mock) to reset stubs and interactions.


// Stub `likes` for specific arguments
when(() => cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false)).thenReturn(true);
// Verify `likes` was called with specific arguments
verify(() => cat.likes(any(that: startsWith('d')))).called(1);


Q: Why am I getting an invalid_implementation_override error when mocking certain classes?

A: For classes like ThemeData, use a mixin to override toString.

Q: Why can't I stub/verify extension methods?

A: Extension methods should be stubbed/verified on the instance they interact with.

Q: Why do I get a TypeError when stubbing using any()?

A: Ensure the type of the method being stubbed is explicitly specified.


Mocktail is a powerful and easy-to-use mocking library for Dart, providing a comprehensive set of features to simplify testing. Its intuitive API and extensive documentation make it an essential tool for any Dart developer.

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