Master the Art of Filtering with Flutter Sliders Library

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Master the Art of Filtering with Flutter Sliders Library

Unlock a world of interactive and aesthetically pleasing slider widgets with the Flutter Sliders library. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key features, installation process, and practical implementation of these versatile widgets.

Features that Amplify User Experience

The Flutter Sliders library boasts an array of features designed to enhance user engagement and data visualization:

  • Numeric and Date Support: Select values from both numeric and date ranges.
  • Labels and Ticks: Clearly label and mark intervals to provide context and ease of use.
  • Tooltips: Informative pop-ups display the selected value, customizable for clarity.
  • Thumb Icons: Personalize sliders with custom icons or text within the thumb.
  • Discrete Selection: Restrict selection to specific values for precise control.
  • Orientation: Customize the orientation to horizontal or vertical as per your layout requirements.
  • Inversed Vertical Slider: Reverse the minimum and maximum positions for vertical sliders.
  • Drag Mode: Control how thumbs are dragged, allowing for onThumb, betweenThumbs, or both options.
  • Interval Selection: Enable users to select specific intervals by tapping or clicking, moving both thumbs with animation.
  • Deferred Update: Defer range updates to optimize performance while continuously dragging thumbs.

Getting Started: A Swift Guide

  1. Installation: Begin by adding the dependency to your Flutter project:
  syncfusion_flutter_sliders: ^X.X.X
  1. Import the Library: Import the package into your Dart code:
import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_sliders/sliders.dart';
  1. Add a Slider to Your Widget Tree:
  min: 0.0,
  max: 100.0,
  value: _value,
  interval: 20,
  showTicks: true,
  showLabels: true,
  enableTooltip: true,
  onChanged: (double value) => setState(() => _value = value),
  1. Add Range Selection Functionality:
  min: 0.0,
  max: 100.0,
  values: _values,
  interval: 20,
  showTicks: true,
  showLabels: true,
  enableTooltip: true,
  onChanged: (SfRangeValues values) => setState(() => _values = values),
  1. Incorporate Range Selector with Custom Child:
  min: dateMin,
  max: dateMax,
  initialValues: dateValues,
  child: Container(
    child: SfCartesianChart(
      margin: const EdgeInsets.all(0),
      primaryXAxis: DateTimeAxis(
        minimum: dateMin,
        maximum: dateMax,
        isVisible: false,
      primaryYAxis: NumericAxis(isVisible: false, maximum: 4),
      series: [
          dataSource: chartData,
          xValueMapper: (Data sales, int index) => sales.x,
          yValueMapper: (Data sales, int index) => sales.y,
    height: 200,

Embrace the Power of Sliders in Your Flutter Applications

With the comprehensive features and intuitive implementation process, the Flutter Sliders library empowers you to create highly interactive and user-friendly data filtering experiences. Explore the full documentation and sample browser application for further insights and inspiration.

Additional Resources:

About Syncfusion

Syncfusion is a leading provider of development tools and UI components for web, mobile, and desktop platforms. With over 20,000 customers and 1 million users worldwide, Syncfusion helps developers save time and money while building high-quality software applications.

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