Introducing dart-uuid: A Comprehensive Guide to UUID Generation

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Introducing dart-uuid: A Comprehensive Guide to UUID Generation

UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) are widely used in various applications, including databases, distributed systems, and cloud computing, to ensure unique and globally identifiable objects. The dart-uuid package provides an efficient and reliable solution for generating UUIDs in Dart, a popular programming language for web, server, and mobile development.

Getting Started with dart-uuid

To incorporate dart-uuid into your project, follow these simple steps:

  1. Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
  uuid: ^4.4.0
  1. Install the package using the pub install command.

Generating Different Types of UUIDs

With dart-uuid, you can generate various types of UUIDs, including:

  • Version 1 UUIDs (Time-Based): These UUIDs are generated based on the current timestamp and the MAC address of the host machine. Example:
var uuid = Uuid();
var v1Id = uuid.v1();
  • Version 4 UUIDs (Random): These UUIDs are generated using a random number generator. Example:
var v4Id = uuid.v4();
  • Version 5 UUIDs (Namespace-Name-SHA1-Based): These UUIDs are generated based on a namespace UUID and a name. Example:
var v5Id = uuid.v5(Uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, '');

Enhanced Security with Cryptographic RNG

By default, dart-uuid utilizes a non-cryptographic random number generator for performance reasons. However, for scenarios demanding high security, you can switch to the cryptographic RNG provided by the UuidUtil class. Example:

var secureUuid = uuid.v4(random: UuidUtil.cryptoRNG());

Advanced Features

dart-uuid offers several advanced features, including:

  • Draft UUID Versions (6, 7, and 8): Support for experimental draft UUID versions.
  • UuidValue: An immutable object for representing UUIDs with additional methods and validation capabilities.
  • Extensive Documentation and Examples: Comprehensive documentation with numerous examples to guide developers.


dart-uuid is a powerful and versatile package that simplifies UUID generation in Dart applications. Its comprehensive API, support for different UUID versions, and robust security features make it an ideal choice for developers seeking a reliable solution for generating unique and globally identifiable identifiers.

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