In-App Review: Boost User Feedback with Flutter

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In-App Review: Boost User Feedback with Flutter

In-App Review, a Flutter plugin, seamlessly integrates with the native app review APIs on Android and iOS. It enables developers to effortlessly prompt users to review their apps directly from within the app, providing valuable feedback and boosting visibility in app stores.

In-App Review for Android and iOS

To use In-App Review, simply instantiate the plugin and call isAvailable() to check if the API is supported on the current platform.

import 'package:in_app_review/in_app_review.dart';

final InAppReview inAppReview = InAppReview.instance;

if (await inAppReview.isAvailable()) {
  // API supported, proceed with review request

To trigger the in-app review prompt, use the requestReview() method. However, it's crucial to use this sparingly to avoid exceeding usage quotas.

await inAppReview.requestReview();

To redirect users to your app's store listing, where they can leave a review, use openStoreListing().

inAppReview.openStoreListing(appStoreId: '...');

On iOS, appStoreId is required and can be found in App Store Connect.

Testing In-App Review


  • Upload your app bundle to the Play Store via internal app sharing.
  • Real reviews can only be created from the production track.
  • Troubleshooting: Refer to the official guide for potential issues and solutions.


  • Testable via iOS simulator or physical device.
  • Real reviews can only be created in production.
  • requestReview() will not trigger in TestFlight.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Function Android iOS MacOS Windows
| isAvailable()  | ✅  | ✅  | ✅  | ❌
| requestReview()  | ✅  | ✅  | ✅  | ❌
| openStoreListing()  | ✅  | ✅  | ✅  | ✅



  • Android 5 Lollipop (API 21) or higher
  • Google Play Store installed


  • iOS version 10.3 or higher


  • macOS version 10.14 or higher
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