Headline: Unleash the Power of Scheduling with Syncfusion's Flutter Calendar

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Headline: Unleash the Power of Scheduling with Syncfusion's Flutter Calendar

Syncfusion's Flutter Calendar boasts an array of built-in views and customizable options, empowering you to create feature-rich scheduling applications with ease. Let's dive into its capabilities and explore how to leverage them effectively.

Key Features of Syncfusion's Flutter Calendar:

  • Multiple Calendar Views: Choose from day, week, workweek, month, schedule, timeline day, timeline week, and timeline month views.
  • Appointments: Manage appointments with detailed information, recurrence options, and time zone support.
  • Resource View: Visualize resources as a separate view to display appointments for each resource in a timeline fashion.
  • Schedule View: Display scheduled appointments grouped by week, with customizable date and time formats.
  • Resize, Drag, and Drop: Reschedule appointments effortlessly by resizing and dragging them.
  • Load More: Load appointments on-demand to optimize performance.

Getting Started:

To incorporate the Calendar widget into your Flutter project, follow these steps:

import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_calendar/calendar.dart';

Scaffold( body: SfCalendar(), )

Customizing Calendar Views:

To switch between calendar views, set the view property in the SfCalendar constructor:

  view: CalendarView.month,

Adding Flexible Working Days and Hours:

Control working days and hours for better time management:

  view: CalendarView.workWeek,
  timeSlotViewSettings: TimeSlotViewSettings(
    startHour: 9,
    endHour: 16,
    nonWorkingDays: [DateTime.friday, DateTime.saturday],

Changing the First Day of the Week:

  view: CalendarView.week,
  firstDayOfWeek: 1,

Enabling the Month Agenda View:

Display appointments in a list below the selected date:

  view: CalendarView.month,
  monthViewSettings: MonthViewSettings(
    showAgenda: true,

Adding a Data Source:

Handle appointment collections internally and map custom data to the calendar:

class Meeting {
  Meeting(this.eventName, this.from, this.to, this.background, this.isAllDay);
  String eventName;
  DateTime from;
  DateTime to;
  Color background;
  bool isAllDay;

class MeetingDataSource extends CalendarDataSource {
  MeetingDataSource(List source) { appointments = source; }
  DateTime getStartTime(int index) => appointments![index].from;
  // Remaining overridden methods

  view: CalendarView.month,
  dataSource: MeetingDataSource(_getDataSource()),
  monthViewSettings: MonthViewSettings(appointmentDisplayMode: MonthAppointmentDisplayMode.appointment),

List _getDataSource() {
  final meetings = [];
  final today = DateTime.now();
  final startTime = DateTime(today.year, today.month, today.day, 9, 0, 0);
  final endTime = startTime.add(const Duration(hours: 2));
  meetings.add(Meeting('Conference', startTime, endTime, const Color(0xFF0F8644), false));
  return meetings;


Syncfusion's Flutter Calendar offers the flexibility and customization you need to build robust scheduling applications. With its array of features, you can create intuitive UIs, manage appointments efficiently, and provide users with a seamless scheduling experience.

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