GetStorage: Ultra-Fast and Lightweight Key-Value Storage for Multiple Platforms

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GetStorage: Ultra-Fast and Lightweight Key-Value Storage for Multiple Platforms

GetStorage is a highly optimized key-value storage solution suitable for Android, iOS, Web, Linux, Mac, Fuchsia, and Windows. Unlike traditional databases, GetStorage prioritizes blazing-fast memory access while ensuring data persistence.

Key Features

  • Lightning-Fast: All operations, including writing, reading, and deleting, are performed instantaneously in memory.
  • Persistent Backup: Data is automatically backed up to disk in the background after each operation.
  • Multi-Platform Compatibility: Integrates seamlessly with multiple platforms, including mobile, desktop, and web.
  • Data Types Supported: Store a wide range of data types, including strings, integers, doubles, maps, and lists.
  • Easy Integration with GetX Framework: Leverages the GetX framework for simplified usage.


  1. Add to your pubspec.yaml:
  get_storage: ^2.0.5
  1. Install the package:
$ flutter packages get
  1. Import the library:
import 'package:get_storage/get_storage.dart';


Initialize Storage Driver

main() async {
  await GetStorage.init();

Create a Storage Box

final box = GetStorage();

Write Data

box.write('quote', 'GetX is the best');

Read Data

print('quote')); // out: GetX is the best

Remove a Key


Listen for Changes

Function? disposeListen;
disposeListen = box.listen(() {
  print('box changed');

Dispose Listeners


Listen for Changes on a Specific Key

box.listenKey('key', (value) {
  print('new key is $value');

Erase a Container


Create Custom Containers

GetStorage g = GetStorage('MyStorage');

SharedPreferences Implementation

class MyPref {
  static final _otherBox = () => GetStorage('MyPref');
  final username = ''.val('username');
  final age = 0.val('age');
  final price = 1000.val('price', getBox: _otherBox);

Benchmark Results

GetStorage consistently outperforms other storage solutions in terms of speed, making it ideal for applications that require real-time data access.

When to Use GetStorage

GetStorage is suitable for:

  • Caching HTTP requests
  • Storing simple user information
  • Managing simple and persistent application state
  • Replacing SharedPreferences

When Not to Use GetStorage

GetStorage is not recommended when:

  • Indexing is required
  • Explicit confirmation of data persistence to disk is necessary before proceeding with other operations


GetStorage is an indispensable tool for developers seeking a fast, lightweight, and persistent key-value storage solution. Its simplicity, cross-platform compatibility, and impressive performance make it a perfect choice for a wide range of applications.

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