Flutter EasyLoading: Enhance User Experience with Effortless Loading Indicators

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Flutter EasyLoading: Enhance User Experience with Effortless Loading Indicators

Flutter EasyLoading is an indispensable package for any Flutter developer seeking to seamlessly integrate loading indicators into their applications. With a comprehensive suite of features and customization options, EasyLoading empowers developers to enhance the user experience by providing informative and visually appealing loading animations.

Getting Started

Integrating EasyLoading into your Flutter project is a breeze. Simply add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_easyloading: ^latest

Next, initialize EasyLoading in your MaterialApp or CupertinoApp:



Using EasyLoading is incredibly straightforward. The following code snippet demonstrates how to display a simple loading indicator:

EasyLoading.show(status: 'Loading...');

EasyLoading also supports progress indicators and various types of feedback, including success, error, and info messages:

EasyLoading.showProgress(0.3, status: 'Downloading...');
EasyLoading.showSuccess('Great Success!');
EasyLoading.showError('Failed with Error');
EasyLoading.showInfo('Useful Information.');

For a more concise display, you can use toast messages:


To dismiss the loading indicator, simply call:



EasyLoading offers extensive customization options to tailor the loading indicators to your application's specific needs. You can modify the following properties:

  • Loading style (dark, light, custom)
  • Indicator type (e.g., fading circle, rotating circle)
  • Mask type (none, black, white, custom)
  • Toast position
  • Loading animation style
  • Custom animation
  • Text alignment, style, and padding
  • Indicator size, radius, and line width
  • Progress indicator color and width
  • Background color
  • Mask color
  • Interaction and tap dismissal behavior
  • Indicator, success, error, and info widgets

Custom Animation

EasyLoading empowers you to create custom animations for unique loading experiences. Here's an example:

class CustomAnimation extends EasyLoadingAnimation {
  Widget buildWidget(
    Widget child,
    AnimationController controller,
    EasyLoadingStatus status,
  ) {
    // Implement your custom animation here


Flutter EasyLoading is a versatile and highly customizable package that simplifies the integration of loading indicators into Flutter applications. Its intuitive API and extensive customization options allow developers to enhance the user experience with informative and visually appealing feedback. Whether you need simple progress bars, success messages, or custom animations, EasyLoading has you covered.

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