Experience Enhanced Modal Bottom Sheets with Flutter's modal_bottom_sheet Package

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Experience Enhanced Modal Bottom Sheets with Flutter's modal_bottom_sheet Package

Flutter's modal_bottom_sheet package empowers developers to create dynamic and customizable modal bottom sheets. This article delves into the package's features, usage, and tips, enabling you to elevate your app's user experience.

Key Features

  • Support for both Material and Cupertino modal bottom sheets to seamlessly integrate with your app's design aesthetic.
  • Customizable dimensions, enabling full-screen or content-fitting bottom sheets.
  • Draggable and dismissible sheets, providing users with intuitive control.
  • Inside scroll view support, allowing smooth scrolling within the bottom sheet without disrupting the overall flow.
  • Prevention of sheet closure when WillPopScope is used, ensuring data integrity.
  • Seamless integration with iOS 13's native modal navigation, including bounce effects, blurred backgrounds, and stacking capabilities.


Material Bottom Sheet

  context: context,
  builder: (context) => Container(),

Cupertino Bottom Sheet

  context: context,
  builder: (context) => Container(),

Tailoring Bottom Sheets

Generic Parameters

Customize various aspects of the bottom sheet's behavior:

  • expand: Control full-screen vs. content-fitting.
  • isDismissible: Allow/prevent dismissal by tapping the scrim.
  • enableDrag: Enable/disable dragging and dismissal by swiping down.
  • bounce: Specify if the sheet can go beyond the top boundary while dragging.

Material-Specific Parameters

Fine-tune the appearance and behavior of Material bottom sheets:

  • backgroundColor: Set the background color.
  • elevation: Adjust the shadow elevation.
  • shape: Customize the shape of the sheet.

Push New Views

Navigate to a new view within the modal bottom sheet:

  • Call showCupertinoModalBottomSheet again for a new modal.
  • Add a Navigator or CupertinoTabScaffold inside for internal navigation.

Creating Custom Bottom Sheets

Craft your own unique bottom sheets:

  • showBarModalBottomSheet: Create a bottom sheet with a Facebook/Slack-like appearance.
  • showAvatarModalBottomSheet (Example): Customize every aspect of the bottom sheet's design.

Troubleshooting and Road Ahead


  • Animate the previous route using MaterialWithModalsPageRoute for a smooth transition with Cupertino bottom sheets.
  • Alternatively, you can wrap the previous route in a CupertinoScaffold and use CupertinoScaffold.showCupertinoModalBottomSheet for native-like animations.


The modal_bottom_sheet package empowers you to create stunning and functional modal bottom sheets that enhance your app's user experience and cater to a wide range of design preferences. With its flexibility and ease of use, you can unlock innovative ways to present content and improve the overall flow of your Flutter applications.

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