Enhance UI with Dynamic Progress Indicators Using Percent Indicator Package

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Enhance UI with Dynamic Progress Indicators Using Percent Indicator Package

In the realm of user experience, the ability to visualize progress and completion enhances the user's engagement and satisfaction. The Percent Indicator package empowers Flutter developers with a comprehensive suite of widgets to seamlessly integrate circular and linear progress indicators into their applications.

Installation and Import

To incorporate the Percent Indicator package into your Flutter project, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  percent_indicator: ^4.0.1

After updating your packages, import the package into the dart file where you intend to use it:

import 'package:percent_indicator/percent_indicator.dart';

Circular Percent Indicators

Circular percent indicators provide a visually appealing way to represent progress. They are versatile and can be customized to match your application's design aesthetic. Here's a basic example:

  radius: 60.0,
  lineWidth: 5.0,
  percent: 1.0,
  center: Text("100%"),
  progressColor: Colors.green,

This widget creates a circular progress indicator with a radius of 60, a line width of 5, and a completion percentage of 100%. The center parameter displays the text "100%" inside the indicator, while the progressColor specifies the color of the progress bar.

Linear Percent Indicators

Linear percent indicators offer a different visual representation of progress, lending themselves well to situations where space is constrained. Here's a simple example:

  width: 140.0,
  lineHeight: 14.0,
  percent: 0.5,
  backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
  progressColor: Colors.blue,

This widget creates a linear progress indicator with a width of 140, a line height of 14, and a completion percentage of 50%. The backgroundColor and progressColor parameters determine the colors of the background and progress bar, respectively.

Customization Options

Both circular and linear percent indicators provide a wide range of customization options to suit your application's needs. These include:

  • Animation: Control the duration and style of the progress animation.
  • Child: Add custom widgets inside the indicators, such as text, icons, or images.
  • Gradient Colors: Utilize color gradients to create visually appealing progress bars.
  • Progress Text: Display the progress percentage as text within the indicators.
  • Stroke Caps: Specify the shape of the progress bar's end caps (e.g., round, butt).


The Percent Indicator package provides a powerful set of widgets for displaying progress and completion information in Flutter applications. With its intuitive API and extensive customization options, it empowers developers to create visually engaging and informative user interfaces.

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