Discovering and Connecting to Wi-Fi Networks with Flutter's 'wifi' Plugin
Published on by Flutter News Hub
The 'wifi' plugin empowers Flutter applications with the ability to access crucial Wi-Fi information and seamlessly connect to desired networks. This guide will lead you through integrating this plugin into your app and leveraging its capabilities.
Setup and Usage
Add the Plugin: Specify the plugin as a dependency in your Flutter project's
wifi: ^[version]
- Import the Plugin: Include the plugin in your Dart code:
import 'package:wifi/wifi.dart';
Features and Functionality
Checking Wi-Fi Status:
- SSID: Obtain the current network's name (Service Set ID).
- Signal Strength: Measure the signal strength (1-3, higher indicates stronger signal).
- IP Address: Retrieve the device's IP address.
Connecting to Wi-Fi:
- Connect: Establish a connection to a specific network using its SSID and password.
Wi-Fi List (Android Only):
- List: Fetch a list of available Wi-Fi networks based on a specified key.
Usage Examples
Example 1: Retrieving Wi-Fi Information
String ssid = await Wifi.ssid;
int level = await Wifi.level;
String ip = await Wifi.ip;
Example 2: Connecting to a Wi-Fi Network
var result = await Wifi.connection('ssid', 'password');
Example 3: Listing Wi-Fi Networks (Android)
List list = await Wifi.list('key');
iOS Considerations
iOS 11 and Above:
- Add 'NetworkExtension.framework' to 'Link Binary with Libraries' in 'Build Phases'.
- Enable 'Hotspot Configuration' in 'Capabilities'.
iOS 12 and Above:
- Additionally, enable 'Access Wi-Fi Information' in 'Capabilities'.
iOS Wi-Fi List:
To use Wifi.list
on iOS, refer to: iOS Wi-Fi List.
By utilizing the 'wifi' plugin, Flutter developers can effortlessly access and manage Wi-Fi connections within their apps. Its features provide a comprehensive solution for retrieving network information, establishing connections, and listing available networks. With its support for Android and iOS, this plugin empowers developers to create seamless and connected user experiences.