Customize Your Flutter App's Splash Screen with Flutter Native Splash

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Customize Your Flutter App's Splash Screen with Flutter Native Splash

When launching a Flutter app, there's a brief period before the native app finishes loading Flutter. During this time, the native app displays a default white splash screen. The flutter_native_splash package allows you to customize this splash screen, including its background color, image, and other appearance settings.


  1. Add flutter_native_splash as a dependency.
  flutter_native_splash: ^2.4.0
  1. Set up your splash screen configuration. Create a flutter_native_splash.yaml file in your project's root folder, or add the following settings to your pubspec.yaml:
  color: "#42a5f5"
  image: assets/splash.png
  branding: assets/dart.png
    image: assets/android12splash.png
    color: "#42a5f5"

Setting Description
| color  | Background color of the splash screen
| image  | Background image for the splash screen
| branding  | Branding image used in the splash screen
| android_12  | Specific settings for Android 12 and later

Android-Specific Settings

  image: assets/android12splash.png
  color: "#42a5f5"
  icon_background_color: "#111111"

Setting Description
| image  | Splash screen icon image
| color  | Window background color
| icon_background_color  | App icon background color

iOS-Specific Settings

  color: "#42a5f5"
  image: assets/splash-ios.png
  branding: assets/dart-ios.png

Setting Description
| color  | Window background color
| image  | Splash screen image
| branding  | Branding image used in the splash screen

Web-Specific Settings

  color: "#42a5f5"
  image: assets/splash-web.gif
  branding: assets/dart-web.gif

Setting Description
| color  | Window background color
| image  | Splash screen image
| branding  | Branding image used in the splash screen

3. Run the package to generate the native code.

dart run flutter_native_splash:create

4. Preserve the splash screen while your app initializes (optional).

To keep the splash screen on screen while your app initializes, use the preserve() and remove() methods:

import 'package:flutter_native_splash/flutter_native_splash.dart';

void main() {
  WidgetsBinding widgetsBinding = WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized();
  FlutterNativeSplash.preserve(widgetsBinding: widgetsBinding);
  runApp(const MyApp());

// call remove() when initialization is complete

Other Notes

  • If you experience a white screen before the splash screen or if the splash screen was not updated correctly on iOS, run flutter clean and recompile your app.
  • This package modifies files on Android (launch_background.xml, styles.xml), iOS (LaunchScreen.storyboard, Info.plist), and Web (index.html). If you have manually modified these files, this plugin may not work properly.
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