Customizable Animated Page Indicator with Smooth Transitions

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Customizable Animated Page Indicator with Smooth Transitions

smooth_page_indicator is a Flutter library that provides a highly customizable and animated page indicator with a variety of built-in effects. It supports infinite loop and RTL layouts.

Usage with PageController:

  controller: controller, // PageController
  count: 6,
  effect: WormEffect(), // Choose an effect
  onDotClicked: (index) {}, // Handle dot clicks

Usage without PageController (Self-Animated):

  activeIndex: yourActiveIndex,
  count: 6,
  effect: WormEffect(),


  • Worm
  • Expanding Dots
  • Jumping Dot
  • Scrolling Dots
  • Slide
  • Scale
  • Swap
  • Color Transition


Customize the indicator's direction, dimensions, radius, spacing, paint style, color, and more:

  axisDirection: Axis.vertical, // Change direction
  effect: SlideEffect(
    spacing: 8.0,
    radius: 4.0,
    dotWidth: 24.0,
    dotHeight: 16.0,
    paintStyle: PaintingStyle.stroke,
    strokeWidth: 1.5,
    dotColor: Colors.grey,
    activeDotColor: Colors.indigo,

RTL Support:

Smooth page indicator inherits directionality from its ancestors, but can be forced to use a specific direction:

  textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, // Force RTL layout
  effect: WormEffect(),

Code Examples:

Customizable Demo 1:

  count: 6,
  effect: CombinedEffect(
    child: WormEffect(
      dotHeight: 4.0,
      dotWidth: 4.0,
      spacing: 4.0,
      strokeWidth: 4.0,
    offset: Offset(15.0, 0.0),

Customizable Demo 2:

  count: 5,
  effect: SlideEffect(
    dotHeight: 10.0,
    dotWidth: 20.0,
    fixedCenter: true,
    paintStyle: PaintingStyle.stroke,
    strokeWidth: 2.0,

Customizable Demo 3:

  axisDirection: Axis.vertical,
  count: 12,
  effect: ScaleEffect(
    spacing: 10.0,
    activeDotScale: 2.0,
    dotScale: 0.5,

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