Convex Bottom Bar: A Custom Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter

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Convex Bottom Bar: A Custom Bottom Navigation Bar for Flutter

The official BottomAppBar in Flutter only allows for a notch FAB with an app bar, but sometimes a convex FAB is needed. The ConvexAppBar is an alternative bottom navigation bar inspired by the BottomAppBar and NotchShape implementations, featuring a convex FAB.

Key Features

  • Multiple internal styles
  • Customizable app bar theme
  • Builder API for creating custom styles
  • Badge support on tab menu
  • Elegant transition animations
  • Style hook API for overriding internal styles
  • RTL support


To use ConvexAppBar, typically you can set it as the bottomNavigationBar of a Scaffold.

import 'package:convex_bottom_bar/convex_bottom_bar.dart';

  bottomNavigationBar: ConvexAppBar(
    items: [
      TabItem(icon: Icons.home, title: 'Home'),
      TabItem(icon:, title: 'Discovery'),
      TabItem(icon: Icons.add, title: 'Add'),
      TabItem(icon: Icons.message, title: 'Message'),
      TabItem(icon: Icons.people, title: 'Profile'),
    onTap: (int i) => print('click index=$i'),


The app bar uses a default style, but you can customize it using the following attributes:

  • backgroundColor
  • gradient
  • height
  • color
  • activeColor
  • curveSize
  • top
  • cornerRadius
  • style
  • chipBuilder


To add a badge to a tab, use the ConvexAppBar.badge method. It accepts an array of badges, where each badge value can be a String, IconData, Color, or Widget.

  badges: {
    0: '1',
    2: Icon(Icons.add),
  items: [...],
  onTap: (int i) => print('click index=$i'),

Single Button

If you only need a single button, you can use the ConvexButton.fab.

  appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('ConvexButton Example')),
  body: Center(child: Text('count $count')),
  bottomNavigationBar: ConvexButton.fab(
    onTap: () => setState(() => count++),

Style Hook

The style hook allows you to update the tab style without defining a new tab style.

  style: Style(),
  child: ConvexAppBar(
    style: TabStyle.fixedCircle,
    items: [...],
    backgroundColor: _tabBackgroundColor,
class Style extends StyleHook {
  double get activeIconSize => 40;
  double get activeIconMargin => 10;
  double get iconSize => 20;
  TextStyle textStyle(Color color) => TextStyle(fontSize: 20, color: color);

RTL Support

RTL is supported internally and should work fine when usingTextDirection.

  textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,
  child: Scaffold(body: ConvexAppBar(/*TODO ...*/)),

Custom Example

To create a fully custom tab, use the ConvexAppBar.builder.

  bottomNavigationBar: ConvexAppBar.builder(
    count: 5,
    itemBuilder: Builder(),
// user defined class
class Builder extends DelegateBuilder {
  Widget build(BuildContext context, int index, bool active) {
    return Text('TAB $index');


For more detailed documentation and examples, please refer to the official documentation:

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