Comprehensive Error Handling and Logging for Dart and Flutter Apps with Talker

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Comprehensive Error Handling and Logging for Dart and Flutter Apps with Talker

Talker is a powerful package that provides comprehensive error handling and logging capabilities for Dart and Flutter applications. It offers a host of features to help developers identify, handle, and troubleshoot errors in their codebase, ensuring a seamless and stable user experience.

Key Features

  • Logging:
    • Extensive logging capabilities with various log levels (info, debug, warning, error, critical, etc.)
    • Customizable logging formats, filters, and colors for clarity and organization
    • Separation of Talker logs from system logs for easier troubleshooting
  • Error Handling:
    • Automatic identification of errors and exceptions
    • Detailed stack traces for precise error analysis
    • Error level identification for granular error handling
  • Flutter Integrations:
    • Application logs sharing and saving
    • HTTP calls logging
    • TalkerScreen for displaying logs list in Flutter app UI
    • TalkerMonitor for summarizing application status in Flutter app UI
    • TalkerRouteObserver for routing logging
    • TalkerWrapper for displaying error messages in UI
    • TalkerListener and TalkerBuilder for customizing UI based on logs

Customization and Integration

Talker provides a high level of customization to tailor it to your application's specific needs. You can configure logging filters, formats, colors, and error handling behavior. Talker also integrates seamlessly with popular error tracking tools like Sentry and Crashlytics, allowing you to forward logs and errors to these services.


To use Talker in your Dart or Flutter application, simply add it as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  talker: ^4.2.0

Once added, you can initialize Talker and start logging and handling errors:

import 'package:talker/talker.dart';
final talker = Talker(); // Initialize Talker

try {
  // Your application code
} catch (e, st) {
  talker.handle(e, st); // Handle errors
}'Application started'); // Log application events


Talker is an essential tool for developers looking to enhance the error handling and logging capabilities of their Dart and Flutter applications. Its comprehensive features, customization options, and seamless integration make it an invaluable asset for ensuring application stability and providing valuable insights into application behavior.

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