ad_gridview: A Comprehensive Flutter Widget for Seamlessly Integrating Native Ads and Custom Widgets into GridViews

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ad_gridview: A Comprehensive Flutter Widget for Seamlessly Integrating Native Ads and Custom Widgets into GridViews

The ad_gridview package provides a convenient and flexible widget for displaying Native Advertisements or any desired Widget within a Flutter GridView. It simplifies the integration process, enabling you to enhance your app's user experience by strategically placing ads or custom content at specific intervals.

Getting Started

To incorporate ad_gridview into your project, add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:


Then, import the package into your library:

import 'package:ad_gridview/ad_gridview.dart';


The AdGridView widget requires the following parameters:

  • crossAxisCount: The number of columns in the GridView.
  • itemCount: The total number of items to be displayed, including ads and custom Widgets.
  • adIndex: The index at which the ad should appear.
  • adWidget: The Widget to be displayed as an ad.
  • itemWidget: The Widget to be displayed as a regular item.

An Example

Consider the following example that incorporates a Native Ad into a GridView containing a list of products:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:ad_gridview/ad_gridview.dart';

// A sample Native Ad widget
class NativeAdWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const NativeAdWidget({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
      child: const Text('This is a Native Ad'),

// The main GridView using the AdGridView widget
class ProductsGridView extends StatelessWidget {
  const ProductsGridView({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AdGridView(
      crossAxisCount: 2, // Two columns in the GridView
      itemCount: 100, // 100 items, including ads and product cards
      adIndex: 50, // Display an ad at index 50 (after 50 products)
      adWidget: const NativeAdWidget(), // The Native Ad widget
      itemWidget: const ProductCard(), // A custom ProductCard Widget

In this example, the products will be displayed in a GridView with two columns, and a Native Advertisement will be inserted after the 50th product.


  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate Native Ads or any Widget into your GridView layout.
  • Flexibility: Choose the index at which you want to place the ad or custom Widget.
  • Convenience: Add multiple instances of Widgets to your GridView with minimal effort.

Additional Features

The ad_gridview package offers additional features to enhance its functionality:

  • Custom Ad Cell Builder: Define your own custom logic to build the ad cell.
  • Item Spacing: Specify the spacing between items in the GridView.
  • Error Handling: Handle errors that may occur during the ad fetching process.


The ad_gridview package provides an effective solution for integrating Native Advertisements or any desired Widget into a Flutter GridView. Its simplicity and flexibility make it an ideal choice for developers seeking to enhance their app's user experience and revenue generation.

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