history 13.0.2 (1 month ago) verified baseflow.com balance mit fsf-libre osi-approved Flutter Favorite Dart 3 compatible geolocator Geolocation plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API for generic location (GPS etc.) functions. 6K likes 1 posts 0 links Flutter Android iOS Windows macOS Web location geo-location geolocator
iamnijat/healsense star_outline 97 update Jul 2024 Take medications on time using a powerful medication reminder app. Made with DDD architecture + Drift + Riverpod + Go Router + Rxdart + Service Locator + Freezed finally with 💙 Packages badges build_runner cupertino_icons drift drift_dev equatable fimber flutter_config flutter_launcher_icons flutter_lints flutter_local_notifications flutter_riverpod flutter_screenutil flutter_svg_provider fpdart freezed freezed_annotation geolocator go_router google_maps_flutter http intl json_annotation json_serializable nil path path_provider riverpod_annotation riverpod_generator rxdart shared_preferences shimmer sqlite3_flutter_libs timezone url_launcher Topics ui assets icons lints storage localization map network http build-runner codegen files json json-serializable streams boilerplate code-generators intl rx location interceptor persistence drift database navigation routing i18n route go-router deep-linking router paths google-maps google-maps-flutter local-storage icon-launcher locale notifications path-provider shared-preferences os-integration rxdart reactive-programming badge screen links url-launcher urls launcher shimmer immutable freezed adaptive-screen-utils code-generation geo-location codegeneration routes shimmer-loading maps notification geolocator observables equality protocols file-system equals