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ImranR98/Obtainium star_outline 9204 update Jan 2025 Get Android app updates straight from the source. Packages android_intent_plus android_package_installer android_package_manager animations app_links background_fetch battery_plus connectivity_plus crypto cupertino_icons device_info_plus dynamic_color easy_localization equations file_picker flex_color_picker flutter_archive flutter_fgbg flutter_launcher_icons flutter_lints flutter_local_notifications flutter_markdown flutter_typeahead fluttertoast hsluv html http markdown path_provider permission_handler provider share_plus shared_preferences shared_storage sqflite url_launcher webview_flutter Topics ui widgets assets icons lints device android storage animation network http sql files state-management cryptography html webview webview-flutter crypto utils color state web Material interceptor persistence database equations numbers algebra file file-selection file-selector colorpicker hct rgb markdown provider paths local-storage icon-launcher notifications path-provider permissions information shared-preferences os-integration connectivity statemanagement links url-launcher urls launcher toast flutter-toast custom-flutter-toast permission-handler battery share notification deeplinks app-links universal-links custom-url-schemes deeplinking protocols intent deeplink web-to-app
SimpleBoilerplates/Flutter star_outline 599 update Apr 2023 A boilerplate project for Flutter using RiverPod, Dio, go_router, Freezed and generated with very_good_cli Packages build_runner build_verify connectivity_plus cupertino_icons dio easy_localization flutter_dotenv flutter_gen_runner flutter_riverpod flutter_secure_storage freezed go_router go_router_builder google_fonts import_sorter json_serializable lottie pretty_dio_logger riverpod_annotation riverpod_generator shared_preferences very_good_analysis Topics ui assets icons lints analysis storage animated lottie animation logger network http build-runner codegen json json-serializable boilerplate code-generators utils middleware text dio interceptor persistence navigation routing route go-router deep-linking router local-storage secure-storage analyzer shared-preferences connectivity font immutable freezed code-generation codegeneration routes text-style